This Is What Love Sounds Like

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Why can't we be more than her parents?

Ok, this is not a post about my life as a mommy, but my life as woman and a lover. I find myself caught in this place where I know that he's no good for me, yet there is a part of me that wishes he were the one for me. The more he's around, the more these feelings linger. And it's not like I can just tell him to not be around, because that's not fair to our daughter, but what about my feelings in all of this? I really feel like the only way for me to be able to move on is for me to move away, and needing or wanting to be away from him is really a driving factor in my consideration of relocating. I'm tired of pretending that I don't feel these things or this way, but it's more exhausting to do that. If I could just accept the fact that we don't have to be anything more than mommy and daddy to Patootie, life would be grand. The problem with that is that I never dreamed that I wouldn't be with my child's father...not to say that I figured him and I would have kids in particular, but whomever the father of my child(ren) would be, I thought we would always be a we, so I'm having a little trouble letting go. I know no one can make a decision for me and I know that there are quite a few folks who would love to shove him down a flight of stairs (ok, maybe that's extreme), but I want to be ok and have peace with WHATEVER decision I make. I could just kick myself for letting him back in our lives. I should've turned him away that day he came to see her. No, I have no idea what I'm going to do, and I'm probably setting myself up to be disappointed and heartbroken, but can I at least be happy right now?

What's so wrong with us being more to each other than just Noelle's parents?